Thursday, 25 June 2009

Dia De Los Muertos

One day I get a message from my talented friend Genevieve Blais - "What are you doing after work?..."

Little did I know that 9 hours later I would be watching the sunrise over Vancouver's finest Motel after assisting on one of the more crazy student photo shoots of my life. Somehow I ended up being the makeup artist (read facepainter) and taking pictures, one of which is here. Head over to her website for more of Gen's creepy urban gothic work.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Friday, 12 June 2009

Mountain Biking on the North Shore

So an Englishman, a Brazilian and a Swede walk into a forest... no joke. Rolling around in the dirt for these pictures was a lot of fun. Plus having a fully loaded Mountain Bike flying three feet over your head is quite an experience - I love Canada!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009